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Wyniki wyszukiwania wyrażenia: interfaces (znaleziono: 3)

Wettability, reactivity and interfaces in the Gd/TiO2 system

High-temperature interaction of liquid Gd in contact with dense, polycrystalline TiO2 substrate, was investigated. Wettability and reactivity tests were carried out at two different temperatures (1362°C and 1412°C) in flowing ga...

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Wetting behavior of Si-13.5B alloy on polycrystalline h-BN-based substrates

In this work, for the first time the results of an experimental evaluation of the high temperature behavior of molten Si-B alloy in contact with refractory materials at temperatures up to 1750°C, under static argon atmosphere (p = 850-900 mbar...

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Maps of crystal lattice orientation in polyphase microregions as a parameter of the microstructure image of a multicomponent metal alloy

This study includes the results of tests related to selectingthe data collection parameters for EBSD analysis, correctionand modification of the EBS diffraction patterns, anduse of selected functionalities of the commercial OIM system. The study a...

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